Episode 65 – Parts Guitars

This week lets talk about parts guitars, franken-teles, and mixo-casters. Okay, the last one I just made up. So I’m updating you all on some of my projects and approaches to guitar builds – pros and cons, choosing parts, relics, finishes and so on.

I misspoke when I said “Bumble Bee” guitars in the beginning of the episode. What I meant was “King Bee” guitars. Sorry…

Share your parts guitar project photos!

Let the rambling begin!


Episode 64 – Wah 3PDT Switch, Columbus Guitar Show, Parts Guitar Project

This week I ramble like an insane guitar geek about adding a true bypass switch, triple pole, double throw (3PDT) switch. My triumphs and challenges. The road trip to the Columbus Guitar Show leads to another parts guitar project… Just what I needed right? LOL! Which leads me to talk about parts guitars and parting them out.

See folks. I’m all over the place this week!

Are you ready to hear the ramblings? Okay, click play.

Episode 63 – Shredder Guitar Update and Wanted: Listener Feedback

This week I update you all on the shredder guitar. I also would love some feedback on a few topics. This is your show! Share your feedback and vote on TGP facebook page! I’m considering doing more episodes per week at the normal 30 minute duration. Then again, I think about doing the weekly episode as normal but extending it to about an hour. I could just keep you guessing and mix them all up…

You know you wanna listen!

Episode 62 – Cigarette Smoke & Guitars, Advice on Songwriting

This week I want to share some research I did on the affects of tobacco smoke on guitar and guitar equipment. I also tell about two interviews I read regarding songwriting.

Listen now! You know you wanna!

The following is a list of chemicals in cigarette smoke that are solvents:

  • Acetone
  • Benzene
  • Butyraldehyde
  • Cresol
  • Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)
  • Pyridine
  • Quinoline
  • Toluene

Bay Area Guitar Swap is a site where I was able to gather some good information about cigarette smoke’s affects on guitars. I have to give them props for information. I am not a member of their forum.

Here’s the D’Addario string review video where at 4:23 I start to play “Dead or Alive.” If you want the tab, here it is!