So the story continues about the shredder guitar. I was asked about active vs passive pickups so I ramble a bit about that topic. Also we have a neat story about an old Gibson GA-40 amp.
Monthly Archives: November 2011
Episode 57: Import Budget Guitar
I found this cheap import guitar at the used shop and am amazed at the level of quality and playability of the guitar. I’ve been looking for a shredder, metal, wild, pyrotechnic type guitar to play around with and pretend I’m Eddie or George. I’ll update you all next week with what I find out and decide on pickups.
Episode 56: Tone Change, EVH, Protect Your Ears
This week’s episode is about how our ears change for better and sometimes for the worse. Check out how Eddie Van Halen’s taste and ear has changed through the years.
Episode 55: Online Lessons, Strat Setup, Tremolo, Scales
I got a few questions and I am trying to catch up on them. This week I’ll talk about online guitar lessons, how my strat is setup, my views and advice on tremolos and scales.